Thursday, July 23, 2009

Neofinetia falcata Onamisecai

Well, it has finally bloomed after 3 growing seasons in the tank. Let me remind you of the conditions: 1800+ foot-candles for 12-14 hours each day, 90+ percent humidity, misting every 4 hours, water/fertilizer daily, constant breeze and temperatures that range from lows in the 60s (F) in winter to highs in the 80s (F) in summer. There is no winter rest. All of these conditions are contrary to the recommended culture. The blossoms are nocturnally fragrant.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ross!

You just revealed two beauties with your two last blog posts. But here is a question: where did you get them, and what are their ages (they seem mature from the photos).



Ross and Dottie said...

Both plants were purchased from Andy's Orchids in California approx 3 years ago. The Neo had 2 fans (1 large and one newly emerging). The Bulbophylum was about 1/3 the present size. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the precisions! Well, will have to check where I could find them locally. Not sure I (yet) want to go through all the paper work to import them in Canada. Anyway, I will certainly consider such species for my tank to come.

